
To the Press and Public,

Both Turkey and the international public actually know; the unlawful investigation and prosecution which had started in 2017, ended with a prison sentence of 159 years against 20 lawyers for “practising their lawyer profession”. And although the file, which has currently been waiting before the Supreme Court should be urgently examined and reversed, there hasn’t been taken a decision yet.


We know as well that in this period our colleagues Aytac Ünsal and Ebru Timtik have turned the hunger strike with the demand for a “fair trial” to a death fast at the “Day of Lawyers”, on April 5.


We’ve also experienced and seen that, despite of the examination report by the Forensic Medicine Institute which says that “they can’t stay in prison”, the 37th High Criminal Court decided to keep them in hospital by force for treatment instead of ordering their release. With that decision, both of our colleagues are still kept against their will in cells, called a prisoner ward, where is no fresh air and they’re in worse condition than in prison.


Today, we actually know; Ebru and Aytac are walking towards a point, from which they can’t easily return. Not only the lives of Ebru and Aytac are under threat, but the right for defense itself. Because the demand of our colleagues for a fair trial, is the need/right of all citizens. Therefore it is a right demand which can be easily fulfilled. Today, it is the burden of all people with conscience to keep Ebru and Aytac alive.


We, as bar presidents, urge the authorities in ackowledge of this responsibility: We demand that the right for fair trial is being ensured and that Ebru Timtik and Aytac Ünsal are urgently released in accordance with the forensic medicine report. And together with their release, we procure to insist that our colleagues will overview once again the decision regarding their lives.


  1. Adana bar president, lawyer Veli KÜCÜK
  2. Agri bar president, lawyer Salih AYDIN
  3. Amasya bar president, lawyer Ahmet Melik DERINDERE
  4. Ankara bar president, lawyer R. Erinc SAGKAN
  5. Antalya bar president, lawyer Polat BALKAN
  6. Artvin bar president, lawyer Ali Ugur CAGAL
  7. Aydin bar president, lawyer Gökhan BOZKURT
  8. Balikesir bar president, lawyer Erol KAYABAY
  9. Batman bar president, lawyer Abdülhamit CAKAN
  10. Bingöl bar president, lawyer Hanifi BUDANCAMANAK
  11. Bolu bar president, lawyer Sabri ERHENDEKCI
  12. Bursa bar president, lawyer Gürkan ALTUN
  13. Denizli bar president, lawyer Müjdat ILHAN
  14. Diyarbakir bar president, lawyer Cihan AYDIN
  15. Düzce bar president, lawyer Azade AY
  16. Gaziantep bar president, lawyer Bektas SARKLI
  17. Hakkari bar president, lawyer Ergün CANAN
  18. Hatay bar president, lawyer Ekrem DÖNMEZ
  19. Istanbul bar president, lawyer Mehmet DURAKOGLU
  20. Izmir bar president, lawyer Özkan YÜCEL
  21. Kocaeli bar president, lawyer Bahar GÜLTEKIN CANDEMIR
  22. Mardin bar president, lawyer Ismail ELIK
  23. Mersin bar president, lawyer Bilgin YESILBOGAZ
  24. Mugla bar president, lawyer Cumhur UZUN
  25. Mus bar president, lawyer Feridun TAS
  26. Ordu bar president, lawyer Haluk Murat POYRAZ
  27. Siirt bar president, lawyer Nizam DILEK
  28. Sanliurfa bar president, lawyer Abdullah ÖNCEL
  29. Sirnak bar president, lawyer Nusirevan ELCI
  30. Tekirdag bar president, lawyer Sedat TEKNECI
  31. Tunceli bar president, lawyer Kenan CETIN
  32. Van bar president, lawyer Zülküf UCAR
  33. Yalova bar president, lawyer Fedayi DOGRUYOL

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