Friday (Au
gust 7th) at 19:00 in front of the Turkish Consulate in Athens, the Greek Popular Front asked for the account for the acceptance of the demands of the death fast resisters, and for the members of Grup Yorum and Mustafa Koçak who were martyred in the death fast resistance. It was stated that the AKP government would be responsible for the slightest damage to the people’s lawyers Aytaç Ünsal and Ebru Timtik, who were kidnapped to the hospital with threats of forced intervention, and that they would be held accountable to the public. The statement, read in Greek, listed the demands and provided information about the death fast process. Grup Yorum’s “We are right we will win” anthem was sang altogether and the statement was ended with Turkish and Greek slogans. Long Live our death fast resistance People’s lawyers are our honour Free prisoners are our honour Down with fascism long live our struggle Greek Popular Front
Greek Popular Front Justice Action In Front Of Turkish Consulate
In Love
Not Sure