
Internet Concert And Conference Of Solidarity With Death Fast Resistance

On Sunday May 17, an international solidarity concert and conference was posted on the Internet, under the slogan “Our Fight For Justice Continues! We Will Win By Resisting!”.

The Anti-Imperialist Front, Grup Yorum’s solidarity committee and the International Bureau of the People’s Law Office jointly organised the concert and conference and many artists, lawyers, individuals and institutions from Greece, France, Canada, Italy, Belarus, Germany, Spain, Austria, the Canary Islands and Gibraltar took part.

The participants in the two-and-a-half hour solidarity event shared their messages of solidarity with the resistance in Turkey and their songs were dedicated to the fallen resistance, stressed the importance of solidarity and expressed their belief that solidarity will win.

Members of Grup Yorum in Turkey and Europe as well as People’s Lawyers took part in the event, which was watched by about 20,000 people over the internet. The next day that number went up to roughly 28,000.

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