We are collecting solidarity works from writers and artists around the world to honour a musician on a death fast in Turkey, #Grup Yorum Member #Ibrahim Gökçek and his wife who is imprisoned. Although İbrahim has as of today ceased his strike and was hospitalised, his demands of a fair trial and the right to hold concerts are more pressing then ever. He sends his gratitude to all the artists raising his voice in solidarity. The fifth solidarity piece comes from Joe Adamberry, poet and freelance music journalist at the local newspaper The Gibraltar Chronicle… Musical arrangement by: Ptolemaios Armaos You can find more details about Ibrahim’s case on the letter Ibrahim wrote and the short film about his situation through the following links: “I Used To Be a Guitarist, Now I’m a Terrorist”: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/artic… Ibrahim & Sultan: A Short Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2EfQ… Freedom By Joe Adamberry Freedom is A fanciful mantra that makes heroes by their uttering of a single word A tired cliché that still manages to rally the blind before its noisy trumpet is even heard A poisoned chalice that now melts in the hands of angels who worshipped a blessing so pure That few would notice their shackled feet and the snarling dogs protecting the magician with the cure We are never free we were not even free in the womb before this conflicted world with our birthing struggles beckoned The poisons that we ingested during drip-fed education hardly reckoned On the damage it would wreak as the spread of flags and beliefs gave way to global corruption Skilfully disguised tycoons bled the bleeding and subjugated the kneeling with news and distraction Freedom from the weaver’s loom cries the thread as its colour is stifled in the darker threads’ gloom Freedom from child labour and abuse Freedom where there can be found no better excuse Freedom from taxes levied on the lowly paid Freedom from bankers and super tankers rotten to the core Freedom from frustration and empty promises that were made Freedom from twisted lawyers and accountants who always take more Freedom from global corruption we do not deserve this Freedom a noble concept in the hands of noble men defined as wedded bliss Freedom manipulated by dark forces transmutes into a Judas kiss Freedom beyond what by our own struggles is ever achievable Freedom imagined and cascading from fountains pervading Freedom is so real and yet so intangible.
Joe Adamberry – Freedom / Özgürlük
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