
Anti-Imperialist Front Switzerland Commemorated Al-Nakba

Anti-Imperialist Front Switzerland has commemorated Palestinian Al-Nakba’s (Disaster) 71st anniversary with a protest in organisation with the Freedom Committee, in Zurich.

Amongthe organisations that participated in the protest were: Brasilian Democracy Comittee, Red Latina, Hands off Syria and BDS. Anti-imperialist and internationalist solidarity was manifested and each organisation read it’s statement.

Johan Hayek, a Palestinian from Haifa told how the Israel occupied his city and his house, and how he lived in Switzerland as a refugee.

Grup Yorum’s members also participated and explained that, just as the imperialism is present everywhere, in the Palestine as well as in Turkey, it attacks the people. However, this aggression will not be successful because the people is growing stronger every day. They also explained the latest repression in Istanbul and it’s hunger strike.

Grup Yorum performed it’s songs during the protest. Apart from that, mute theatre play was performed narrating the Israeli occupation.

Palestinian Dabke gruop took the stage three times and after the performance thought the Palestinian national dances to all who wanted to learn.

The history of Palestine was also explained to all the present.

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