
Anti-Imperialist Front calls everyone to support Grup Yorum’s resistance and demands!

The Anti-Imperialist Front denounces the raid of the Turkish state against the Cultural Center “Idil” in Okmeydanı, Istanbul. Whenever there is resistance against the facist policies of the AKP’s regime, the repression intensifies. Once again, for the 9th time in the last two years the fascism has shown its fear when facing the acts of the popular insubordination and reacted the only way a people’s enemy can react: by violation of every known democratic and human right.

Yet again, the Cultural Center “Idil” has suffered material damage, destruction of property such as books and music instruments, and of course the arrest of those that defied the police with songs and dance. This time, the reason was the hunger strike of Grup Yorum with the following demands:

  • freedom for the imprisoned Grup Yorum members
  • end of the raids on the Cultural Center “Idil”
  • removal of the Grup Yorum’s members from the terrorist lists
  • removal of the ban on the Grup Yorum concerts

Needless to say, the fascist regime proved Grup Yorum right and its resistance justified.

Anti-Imperialist Front calls everyone to support Grup Yorum’s resistance and demands!
Grup Yorum is the people, the people cannot be silenced!

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