
Easter Statement from the Leadership of the Republican Movement

On this the 103rd anniversary of the Easter Rising 1916 the Leadership of the Republican Movement sends greetings to Irishmen and Irishwomen at home and abroad. We further extend solidarity greetings to our prisoners in Portlaoise and Maghaberry prisons.

The Republican Movement gives its allegiance to the Irish Republic was proclaimed in arms in 1916 and was subsequently established by the majority vote of the Irish people in 1918 and ratified by the First Dáil Éireann in 1919.

The Republican Movement has never accepted the partition system of government imposed on us by England in 1921 but seeks to achieve full and complete Irish freedom, political, economic, social and cultural.

Our aim is to make the Irish people masters of their own destinies, controlling all the wealth of the nation in an independent Republic of 32 counties. We further advocate that this Republic is served by a federal government based on four provincial parliaments, each subscribing to a single national parliament, where the rights of Protestants, Catholics and Dissenters will be secured.

The free Republic we seek will not be won by recognition of and participation in the institutions which were set up by England to overthrow the Republic but by leading the Irish people in the building of an alternative 32-County parliament.

The ongoing Brexit process serves to demonstrate that the English imperialist continues the cruel domination of a small nation.

The Republican Movement confidently calls for the support of Irish people at home and abroad for its efforts to achieve Irish freedom. At the graves of our patriot dead we call for a dedication to Republican objectives and principles and for a pledge of unstinted support for our efforts in the months and years ahead.

In conclusion, the Leadership of the Republican Movement assures the Irish people that no opportunity shall pass where we shall be found wanting and at the opportune time appropriate action will be taken to achieve the independence of our nation.

— Issued by the Leadership of the Republican Movement, Easter 2019

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