
this is an urgent call regarding the hungerstrikes, which are carried out in Turkey and reached a critical level…

Dear all!
this is an urgent call regarding the hungerstrikes, which are carried out in Turkey and reached a critical level…
* The teachers Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Özakca are on hungerstrike, because, same as thousands of public servants they were dismissed by emergency laws and now they struggle for their own and for the rights of all… They demand the end of the emergency state and were taken into custody and tortured for almost a hundred times.
But they continue..
Today is their  64nd day of hungerstrike and their health situation has become really seriously!
* The 70-year old father Kemal Gun went on hungerstrike in the Kurdish city Dersim, because the AKP refuses to give him the dead body of his killed son and the corpses of 10 other persons.
Today is the 77th day of his strike and his situation is really critical!
Attached we send you a flyer in this context with the date of tomorrow and we ask you to spread this news, to publish the flyer and show solidarity!
It is easy to correct the dates, if there is need to.
Greetings and thanks for solidarity, which can help us saving the lives of those brave people!

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