
On April 6 the court case for Berkin’s murderers will take place!

We call on all our comrades to come to the court!

Berkin Elvan was a teenager of 14 in Okmeydani and a resister…

At the age of 14, the police who filled the neighbourhood with riot gas on June 16, 2013 spilled his blood when he went out for bread. They spill our blood in our poor neighbourhoods.

Berkin resisted for 269 days… We have taken a step every day to demand a reckoning for him…

Every day we turned Taksim into an arena of struggle… Do not test our patience, reveal who the murderers are, we said…

Berkin was martyred on March 11, 2014, and we said farewell to him in our millions…

We were Safak and Bahtiyar just as we were Berkin … Because our patience was at an end …

The justice system took no steps as it stank of its protection for his killers…

Two fighters got into the Palace of Justice for Berkin and again our blood was spilled…

Since Berkin was shot, four years have passed… The first hearing will be on April 6 … But not three policemen but just one has been charged… Because the police conceal information and the killer will not appear in court on grounds of security.

We invite all our comrades to the court to support our struggle for justice and to demand a reckoning. To demand a reckoning for Berkin Elvan today is to demand a reckoning for all our children who have been killed.

We will be at the Caglayan Palace of Justice on April 6 to demand a reckoning!


Berkin Elvan is immortal!

Punish the killers of Berkin Elvan!


Halk Cephesi – Uluslararası İlişkiler Komitesi

(People’s Front – International Relations Committee)



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