We Have To Organize The Anti Imperialist Front
Against The Imperialist Agression And For The Liberation Of The Peoples
Between 4th-6th December 2009, an international symposium entitled “Eyup BAS, Unity of the Peoples Against Imperialist Aggression” was organized in Istanbul by the People’s Front. This symposium is a modest, decisive and hopeful step to organize an international anti-imperialist front. Imperialism is organizing itself. It creates tactics and strategies in order to make its exploitation permanent. In spite of the huge problems and deep contradictions among them, imperialist forces see that its to their benefit to unite and organize and they set up organizations and institutions in that vein.
Imperialists act in harmony with their class consciousness. They see that there is a World of six billion people in front of them. A world of hungry and oppressed.
We know that they have big problems among themselves in terms of how to share the world market. But they know that if they give priority to these problems and if they try to solve them by violence, they will lose their force in front of the peoples. Due to these reasons, they are establishing institutions to solve these problems by extending them over a long period of time and by developing appropriate politics for this situation. When these institutions and politics are inadequate, they create the new ones.
Imperialism is a system which is condemned to disappear. But this disappearing won’t be spontaneous. The essential elements which will create this “end” are the unity, resistance and the fight of the peoples.
For the peoples, the way to the victory and to the right to self-determination passes through to overcome Imperialism. The way of socialism in which everybody will have their rights and equality, liberty and freedom passes through to overcome imperialism. Imperialism is the main enemy of the people since its birth. Therefore, today, the criterion of being progressive, patriot and revolutionary is to be against the imperialism.
This stand should develop within a basis of a resistance and war which includes armed, peaceful, legal and illegal ways of struggling and in a national and international level. The aim is to carry the struggle against imperialism beyond the explanations and wishes. The aim should be to bring the masses of people against imperialism and imperialist policies. So that the peoples could defeat imperialism and its policies against them and could gain their independence.
Of course it won’t be easy to organize the institutions which will ensure the unity and the solidarity of the peoples. There are negative experiences so far. However, the unity is necessary as a duty imposed on us by the history itself. We defend a just cause against imperialism. The peoples have just demands and we give voice to them. There are many good examples in the history of the peoples and they guide us. Both in our country and generally all around the world, the popular fronts, internationals, homeland fronts, different unities of action are the rich experiences with their positive and negative sides.
Imperialism will be defeated at the end of a long and hard fight. We are not dreamers, but we are aware of the force of our ideology. This ideology is uniting. If we endeavor the peoples will unite for their own problems and for their common demands. Everybody must begin from her or his own country. The progressive, democratic, patriotic and (depending on the country) the anti-imperialist and anti-American Islamic organizations and institutions of every country must unite. Today, it’s more possible to establish the Anti-Imperialist Unities in the countries where the national and social liberation struggles are relatively more dynamic. In the countries like Turkey, Palestine, Iraq, Countries of the South America and Lebanon, the dimensions and the forms of the struggle make it possible.
The Symposium entitled “Unity of the Peoples against the Imperialist Aggression” organized by the leadership of the People’s Front, has its target to provide the participation of the new forces for the Unity of the peoples. The symposium has established a Monitoring Committee to carry out this duty. The Monitoring Commitee of the Symposium should watch the Anti-Imperialist Unities which will be organized in every country and it should give all kinds of support to them. The Monitoring Committee should lead in the organizing of such unities. For the unions which will be organized in every country, the Monitoring Committee must have a constant contact with the representatives of the organizations which participated to the symposium.
Surely, the work of organizing the Anti-Imperialist Unity in national and international level will meet many difficulties. There will be specific problems in every country. There are not any insolvable problems if we are sincere, consistent and decisive in our attitude against imperialism. There can be some groups who think only in terms of narrow circles and making advertisement. There can be some organizations who could put forward some sectarian and pragmatic proposals. These are not insolvable problems. In every country, we have to strive in order to ensure the largest unity. But, it is not possible to wait in the world where the aggression of imperialism is very tough. While on the one hand we continue the discussions with the groups who are not convinced yet, and with the sectarian groups or the people that are thinking in narrow terms, we should also lay the base of the Anti-Imperialist Unity. The established unity can lead the others with its anti-imperialist politics and practices. Because every action against imperialism is uniting among the people.
The Anti-Imperialist Unity of every country should prepare an international action program proposal and this proposal must be submitted to the Monitoring Committee of the Eyup BAS Symposium on The Unity of the Peoples against Imperialist Agression. The symposium should create an international action plan basing on these proposals.
One of the duties of the monitoring committee will be to broaden the Anti-Imperialist Unity. The aim is to gather all the anti-imperialists of the all continents and countries. For this reason, we have to participate to all the international meetings concerning this subject and to explain the necessity of the Anti-Imperialist Unity. This committee must be in contact with the political organizations and groups, democratic institutions and persons who stand against imperialism and it must broaden the symposium’s platform.
Mainly, The Symposium must become a centre of influence with its activities and actions against imperialism. This will be the locomotive in order to unite the peoples and to broaden the Anti-imperialist Unity Platform. International Anti-imperialist First of all, the Unity must create, in a number of countries, some contact offices that will serve as regional centers in order to provide the ideological, political and organizational links between the progressive, revolutionary, anti-imperialist forces and to carry out the coordination that will realize the anti-imperialist struggle program. As the Unity becomes bigger, the contact offices may become widespread. As a beginning, the contact offices can be established in Turkey, in the Middle-East, in Europe and in the South America. Surely, the Anti-imperialist Unity must have a web-site and mail addresses for communication. All these activities will provide an active relationship between the members of the Unity and will strengthen the base for common acts. The monitoring committee must discuss all these points in its first meeting.
The Anti-Imperialist Unity must have an understanding and an Executive Body which allow it to react very quickly against the imperialist aggressions. The election of the Executive Body must be in such a way that all the members of the unity must be represented in the executive body. Every country, region and continent has to elect their own representatives of the executive body. Thus, the initiatives and decisions of the executive body can be adopted and applicable by all members.
The Executive Body should not be too narrow, causing a weak representativeness and should not be too large slowing down the work. It seems appropriate that to have two representatives from the Middle-East, Europe and South America as a beginning. As long as the Anti-Imperialist Unity grows up, the representatives from the other regions and continents should have their seats in the Executive Body.
The members of the Anti-Imperialist Unity must organize united campaigns. While these campaigns may be directed to a common target, they can also contain a framework which is adaptable to the own agenda of the countries. The effects, the results and the unifying influences of these types of international and simultaneous actions will be stronger. They will allow the people to feel the power of the solidarity and unity deeply, and they will be more effective in creating a common spirit among the peoples.
The Executive Body should be able to take decisions in the face of the developing events. In line with those decisions, the Executive Body should be able to mobilize the The Anti-imperialist Unities or each of its members in the different countries. Maybe, in the beginning, there will not be very fast and extensive reactions or campaigns. In time, these common attitudes can be more coordinated and powerful.
Anti-Imperialist Unity should be able to organize subcommittees when it is necessary. These may include the committees which work permanently on some subjects like Commitee of Solidarity with the Prisonners, Commitee of Solidarity with Iraqi People Against Imperialist Aggression, Commitee of Solidarity with Palestine, Committee for Monitoring and Investigating the Imperialism. Committee of the International Relations etc.
While the Anti-imperialist Unity organizes practical actions against imperialism on the one hand, it has to work in order to eliminate the obstacles before the unity of the peoples, progressive and anti-imperialist forces. It has to attempt to solve the problems between the political movements and it must have concrete, practical, productive programs in the solution of these problems. If it’s necessary, it has to establish a separate committee for this problem.
The Anti-Imperialist Unity has to work to create the culture of the resistance and unity against imperialism. It should develop policies for the problems that are permanent at the international level. For example, it must draw up the programs and organize campaigns on subjects like removing the imperialist bases all around the world, stopping the isolation, the siege, the embargo etc. practices against peoples, struggling for the freedom of political prisoners.
The Symposium of Anti-Imperialist Unity must be organized every year in another country. If there is a Unity Contact Office in the country where the symposium will be held, this contact office has to undertake the organization of the symposium. If there is not, one or more than one organizations must be volunteer to undertake the organization of the symposium. In the decisions of the symposium, the place, the date and the organizers of the next symposium must be determined. The points discussed here can be the general principles of the Anti-Imperialist Unity. These can be discussed and developed. The people’s experiences in their struggle against imperialism are well enough to overcome all the obstacles that may occur.
People’s Front – Remzi UÇUCU