
INVITATION for 3rd Symposium…

3.sempozyum afis


Dear Comrades,

We are inviting you to the 3rd Symposium for the Unity of Peoples against Imperialist Aggression Dedicated to Eyüp BAŞ.
In the recent period, we are witnessing the rise of imperialist aggression in many countries of the world, and primarily in the Middle East.
The extent of the open invasions and massacres has widened; Iraq was followed by Libya and the countries like Syria, Iran and
North Korea became open targets for imperialism.

It is becoming more and more important to organize the united struggle of the oppressed peoples, to strengthen the spirit of solidarity
and to ensure a cultural unity among the people, especially in such a period when the imperialist aggression is escalating.
These are the targets of our symposium.

We hope that your organization will send a delegation to our symposium and we would like to say that all the costs for accommodation
and food will be covered by us if you decide to participate.

Please let us know, if you are able to cover the travel costs yourself. Surely, we try to support those organisations and comrades, who
have difficulties to finance their travel. In that case, please let us know.

We wish to see you in our symposium.

Revolutionary salutes.


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