
Final Declaration of the 1. International Symposium “Unity of the peoples against imperialist aggression”

Final Declaration of the International Symposium “Unity of the peoples against imperialist aggression”, which was held in memory of Eyup Bas

Let us recall that Eyup Bas, who made major efforts for the unity and the common struggle of the revolutionary, left movement in Turkey, as well as in the last years of his life for the international struggle against imperialism, died on 9th November.

Due to his valuable contribution to the common struggle of the oppressed people, the symposium held on 4-6th December was named after Eyup Bas and dedicated to him.

The final declaration, which was prepared by the participants of that symposium, revealed several important steps. Here is the final declaration:

“Unity of the peoples against imperialist aggression” symposium – Final declaration

Date: 4-6th December 2009
By the initiative and invitation of the People’s Front in Turkey, the symposium “Unity of the people against imperialist aggression” was held in Istanbul.

Leftists, communists, patriots, several Islamist parties, forums and movements, as well as individual artists and socialists attended the symposium.

Those attending the meeting spoke about a lot of different aspects of the issues which had been on the agenda of the symposium over three days, and the following conclusions were reached;

First: The symposium greets all martyrs of the fight against imperialism and Zionism in the spirit of the fallen, revolutionary comrade Eyup Bas.

It greets all the peoples who fight against imperialist, Zionist attacks and reactionary, oppressive governments.

Second: The symposium considers the people’s resistance against the occupation in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Colombia, and in all other occupied countries as a right. The symposium emphasises the need to support by all means the expansion of any kind of resistance culture on every level.

Third: It demands the immediate release of all prisoners, convicts and revolutionaries from all prisons and places of detention. It calls for the cancellation of the unfair trials opened against them. It demands an end to isolation, which constitutes an open violation of even the most fundamental human rights.


Fourth: The symposium condemns all excuses and pretexts directed by imperialism towards the people in order to brand resistance as terrorism. It demands the cancellation of all laws aimed at legitimising this. It demands the cancellation of the black lists, which were composed in order to target the forces and persons fighting imperialism, and it aims to emphasise that imperialism is the real source of terrorism.

Fifth: The symposium condemns the imperialist bases located around the world. It considers them as a clear violation of the sovereignty of the countries concerned, and calls for the closure of the bases.

Sixth: The symposium believes that it will be possible to stand against imperialism and Zionism by building platforms in every country covering all anti-imperialist forces and people and finds it necessary to put forward a working plan in order to set this in motion. These platforms will work in coordination among themselves.

Seventh: The symposium condemns the blockade on Gaza and demands its immediate end. It demands the end of any kind of settlement, especially in Jerusalem and the end of emigration. It calls for diplomatic, economic, cultural and academic boycott against Zionist entity. It especially emphasises the obligation to hand over the war criminals, especially Zionist commanders, to the relevant international courts.

Eighth: The symposium invites the national and Islamic Palestinian organisations to a dialogue, based on a document of national agreement to end the national division.

Ninth: The symposium condemns the kidnapping of 3 FARC members by U.S. forces. It calls for their release, as well as for the release of the 5 Cubans from US prisons. The symposium greets the anti-imperialist Bolivarian Continental Coordination.
Tenth: The symposium announces the building of a committee, of which representatives of the Middle East, Europe and Latin America will be a part. The committee will be expanded to cover all continents. The committee’s task is to follow the implementation of the decisions of the symposium.

Eleventh: The symposium thanks the People’s Front for hosting the symposium. The People’s Front will seek to organise annual symposiums. The symposium wishes the People’s Front success in all its struggles against imperialism and the collaborationist governments.


– People’s Front (Turkey)
– Lebanese Communist Party
– Hizbollah (Lebanon)
– Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
– Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
– Anti-Normalisation Committee against Israel (Jordan)
– Bolivarian Continental Movement (Venezuela)
– Venezuelan Communist Party
– Radical Workers’ Front (Greece)
– New Left Current (Greece)
– World Social Forum Representative
– Committee for the Freedom of Expression and Association – CLEA (Belgium)
– 23rd September Resistance Movement (Bulgaria)
– Relative of a martyr (Palestine)
– Popular Front of Resistance (Honduras)

Artists and socialists from various countries also participated.

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