

Statement of the People’s Law Bureau 

(most of the lawyers of this legal bureau were put in jail today):

Statement No.: 374 /21.01.2013



The People’s Law Bureau is a school for demonstrating what revolutionary advocacy is about. The People’s Law Bureau was institutionalized during the Devrimci-Sol trials. In its 24 years of uninterrupted struggle history it hasn’t accepted a single time the status quo, that is opposed on lawyers.

It always pursued the struggle for right and justice. Fuat Erdogan, who has enlightened our way with his values and comprehension of a revolutionary advocacy, was killed for this reason. Our school is our daily life and the history we’d created. Neither your bullets, which were fired against revolutionary lawyers like Fuat Erdogan, nor the axes, which you used to smash our doors, nor your riffles, which went down on our backs or the prison judgments can destroy that history.

On the contrary, all these attacks are the proof that we marched straight on our road.

Revolutionism is not a title of our lawyers of the People’s Law Bureau, it is their identity. It is also this identity, which gives us the power to struggle against the law of fascism, which gives us the reason to create new traditions and the honor to continue the struggle without interruption.
We never limited ourselves with the borders, which were drawn for the lawyers or with the routines, which are determined to let them become a gear in the court mechanism.

We have always refused a lawyer’s identity, which remains silent to the reactionary laws of the AKP, to the courts, which aims to make surrender the people, to the arbitrary and outlawed measures, to executions and torture and which restricts its struggle for right and justice with abstract discussions within the court rooms.

One of our lawyers, Behic Asci, has started a death fast for the rights of his clients, when the law became insufficient and he starved for 293 days.

More than their offices, our lawyers were in the prisons, in the poor neighborhoods and beside the workers and students, who defended their rights.

The attack of the AKP is a new attack for forcing to surrender this revolutionary identity.

The operation against the People’s Law Bureau and the Progressive Jurists Association in the night of 18.01.2013, during which the doors of the offices were forced to open, torture started subsequently on the arrested people at the police headquarters, the attack and intolerance in the court hall, are the latest examples of the continuous fascism in Turkey. This situation is the reason for the existence of a revolutionary advocacy.

Today, when the sentence of prison was announced against the lawyers, the ‘Patriot’ missiles, which will be installed in our country by the NATO against the peoples of the Middle East, advanced to the harbor of Iskenderun.

The revolutionary lawyers were arrested in an atmosphere, when the prime minister of the country made statements such as “Turkey is ready for war”.

Furthermore it is absolute that as long as collaboration and exploitation of the AKP government increase, tyranny will be on rise too. This tyranny has internalized jurisdiction and laws. It is up to us, to discover and to struggle against it.

Dear colleagues, the lawyers of our office, Taylan Tanay (The Chair of the Istanbul branch of CHD), Barkin Timtik, Ebru Timtik, Günay Dag, Selcuk Kozagacli (Head of CHD), Betül Vangolu Kozagacli (The Chair of the Ankara branch of CHD), Naciye Demir, Sükriye Erden  and CHD-staff member of the Istanbul branch Güclü Sevimli were put in prison.

These arrests indicate the forthcoming attacks towards the people. The responsibility, which was given to us by the history is to refuse the type of lawyer and to overcome the walls, behind whom they want to lock us.

Let us enhance the tradition of revolutionary advocacy.

We are angry and our anger will give us the necessary power to save our friends from the hands of tyranny.

However, it was our promise, our anger will demand reckoning. The collaborating AKP-government can’t frustrate us.

Long live our revolutionary lawyer’s tradition!

Long live our lawyers, who continue the struggle for honor and justice.
We know that we’re right and we’ll win.

People’s Law Bureau

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